About Variables
Variables are brief, non-formatted pieces of content (such as the name of your company’s product or phone number) that can be edited in one place but used in many places throughout your project. They're especially good for text that might change frequently, such as version numbers and dates. Variables are stored in variable sets, which can hold multiple variables.
There are different kinds of variables: (1) basic ones, (2) custom date/time variables, (3) system variables (e.g., date and time; titles; page count; Chapter, Section, and Volume numbers), (4) Heading variables, and (5) Running Head variables. Some of these are especially useful for page headers and footers.

A variable has two main components—the variable name and the variable definition.
An example of a variable name is "CompanyName." The definition for that variable name might be "ACME Incorporated." Using that example, if you were to insert the CompanyName variable into a paragraph of a topic, the phrase "ACME Incorporated" would be added at that spot and shown in the output.
For more information about variables, see the Flare online Help.