Setting Object Anchors

You can set anchors on many objects that you add to an image. An anchor is a way to "lock" the position of the object so that it stays in place even if the configuration of the image is changed (e.g., cropped or resized). You can set anchors on any of the four sides of an object—top, bottom, left, right.

How to Set Object Anchors

  1. Open an image containing an object you want to anchor.
  2. Select the View ribbon.
  3. Select the Anchors check box. If the box is checked, the anchors are visible. If the box is unchecked, the anchors are hidden.
  4. Click on the object so that you can see the anchor arrows. Then click on any arrows on the sides of the object that you want to lock.
  5. Click to save your work.

Note You can also set anchors on the Rectangle tab of the properties dialog. Simply double-click the object and select the Rectangle tab.