Linking to External Profiles

You can link to external profiles, which can be quite useful if you are sharing a profile with a team.

How to Link to an External Profile

  1. Select View > Profiles.
  2. In the local toolbar of the Profiles Editor, click .
  3. Find and select the profile you want to open.
  4. Click Open. The linked profile opens in the Profile Editor.

Note Capture cannot auto-save images if a linked profile's output folder is set to another user's local directory. To ensure that your images are auto-saved, set linked profiles' output folders to a shared drive.

Note If a palette or profile is saved to a common location, such as a network drive, any user who links to the file can make changes to it. When other users save their changes, you will see the changes in your copy of Capture. Linking to external profiles and palettes is a good way to be sure that other members of your team always have the most current version of the file.

However, because any user can make changes, it is possible to easily overwrite a file with undesired edits. You may want to designate one team member to manage all edits to profiles and palettes to prevent unwanted changes.