
Contributor supports equations written in Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) and LaTeX. After you've created an equation, you can then copy and paste it into Contributor's editor. This gives you more flexibility to use the editor and format you want. Once you add an equation, Contributor uses MathJax to render it.

You need to use a third-party editor outside of Contributor to create the actual equation. To find an editor, you can perform a Google search for free online resources.

For more about MathJax, see https://www.mathjax.org/ and https://docs.mathjax.org.

[Mini-TOC Proxy — Online — Depth1]

Note When an equation is used in a heading and that heading is referenced in any way (e.g., cross-reference), the equation is stripped from the reference.

Note In order to use the Equation Editor—and in order for equations to display in the XML Editor—you need to install the latest Oracle Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or OpenJDK.

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