Saving Contribution Templates

A Flare author might email you a contribution template for you to use when creating new documents. Contribution templates are simply files with certain settings already in place. They are a quick way to create and edit documents in a pre-set format that the author wants you to use. You can save a contribution template and then use it later whenever you need to create new documents to send to a Flare author. By saving the template file in a folder called "Documents\My Templates\Contributor" you can easily select it when you create a new document.

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How to Save Contribution Templates

  1. In the Documents folder on your computer, create a subfolder and name it My Templates. This subfolder can be used to hold all of the contribution templates that an author sends to you.
  2. In the My Templates folder, create a subfolder and name it Contributor.
  3. Open the email message that the Flare author has sent to you, with the contribution template as an attachment.
  4. Double-click the attachment.
  5. In the dialog that opens, click Save.
  6. Navigate to the Documents\My Templates\Contributor folder and click Save.

Note In addition to contribution template files (those with an .mccot extension), Contributor lets you select other types of files from the template folder as well. This includes document template files (.mcdoct), XHTML files (.htm), stylesheet files (.css), and page layout files (.mcpglt).

Note Any templates that you created in the past for X-Edit can still be used in Contributor, but those files will need to be relocated to the new Contributor folder location in order to use them when creating new documents.

What’s Next?

After saving a contribution template, you can create a new document. When doing this, you can select My Templates in the New Document dialog and choose the template file that you saved. See Creating New Documents.