Output Window Panel

The Output window opens when a target is built. It displays the status of the build as it progresses. A progress bar and percentage indicator in the bottom right corner of Doc-To-Help will also display build progress.

The window will split into tabs (at the bottom of the window) after the first build is completed. One tab is the Build Log; the other displays the Error(s) and Unresolved Link(s) (if any). On the Build Log tab, click the Open build log link to open a text version of the build log.

To reopen the Output window after it is closed, select the Home ribbon and click Build Log.

The Errors and Unresolved Links tab displays detailed information so that you can troubleshoot the issues found during the build. Right-click in the window for options to change the column display or sort. Click the Errors, Warnings, or Unresolved Links buttons to sort by each of these error types.