- In Doc-To-Help, open the Documents window view in the Doc-To-Help Project Panel.
- Click the Add Existing Documents button
. The Document Import Wizard opens.
Choose Local. This option imports documents located on your computer or a network.
Note If you want to add documents from a SharePoint Library, choose SharePoint instead. For more information about SharePoint and adding documents using that method, see About SharePoint Integration and Adding SharePoint Library Documents to a Doc-To-Help Project.
- Click Next.
Click Add File(s) or Add Folder to select your documents or a folder containing multiple documents. Then click Open or OK in the dialog when finished.
Note If you attempt to add a document to your project that has the same name as one that already exists in your source document folder, it will display in the wizard with a red X icon next to it. Since you cannot import a document with the same name, the Import button will be disabled.
- (Optional) In the Copy files to field you can select a location other than the default (i.e., the Documents folder in your project) to store the document(s). Your original documents will remain in their original location.
- (Optional) You can select Leave documents at their original location if you do not want to copy them to your project, but this is not recommended, because references to other documents in your project may be broken in your targets.
- Click Import. The imported files will appear in the Documents window pane. You can use the arrow buttons in the local toolbar to rearrange the files as you wish.
Note You can also add a new document by opening the Home ribbon, and clicking the Add button in the Source section of this ribbon.
Note You can also drag-and-drop an existing document from Windows Explorer into the Documents window pane, but you should copy it into the appropriate project folder first. By default, this folder is named "Documents." These default names can be changed using the Project Settings dialog. See Setting Project Properties.