Project Styles

In Doc-To-Help, styles can control the look of your output, as well as the behavior. See Styles.

Doc-To-Help includes many predefined styles. The Project Styles dialog is used to modify these character styles, paragraph styles, and topic types, or to add new styles to the project. If you create a new style and want it to employ a special authoring behavior, you must define those behaviors in this dialog. Styles that are created strictly for formatting do not need to be added here.

  • Character styles are used to apply formatting to specific text within a paragraph. For example, you may want to add topic links, conditional text, glossary terms, or keywords to enhance your project. Character styles allow you to create these types of hot spots and more using Doc-To-Help Markup Language (D2HML). See Character Styles and Doc-To-Help Markup Language.
  • Paragraph styles are used to assign specific behaviors to entire paragraphs. For example, Doc-To-Help built-in heading styles specify the structure and hierarchy of your topics in targets and the generation of automatic subtopic links for them. They also control the structure of the automatically created table of contents for both online and manual targets. See Paragraph Styles.
  • A topic type is a named collection of topic attributes: what window the Help topic appears in, the navigation for the topic, whether it is automatically added to the index, etc. Paragraph styles can have topic types assigned to them. If they do, the topic type properties override any duplicate paragraph style properties. If a paragraph style property is overridden in this way, it will be grayed out in the Project Styles dialog. See Topic Types.

    A topic type can also be used to customize an individual topic, overriding the style properties. See Viewing/Changing Topic Properties.