About Header Files
A header file is a simple text file that contains basic information about connecting the dialogs or windows in a software application to the corresponding topics in the Help system. Both you and the software developer need access to this file.
A header file has an .h extension and is stored in the Project Organizer under the Advanced folder. You can export the Flare header file into other file formats (e.g., .bas, .properties, .inc, etc.) if necessary.
Either you or the software developer is responsible for creating the header file. That is something you must decide with the developer.
If it is decided that you are responsible for creating the header file, you can do so by adding a header file to the project, adding an alias file to the project, and then creating and assigning identifiers.
A completed header file contains one or more lines of text ("identifiers"). Each identifier refers to a specific dialog or window that is linked to a corresponding topic in the Help system. Here is part of a header file, showing three identifiers:
The following images provide a breakdown of what each part of an identifier means.
Note: If you are creating CSH calls for WebHelp outputs (i.e., WebHelp, HTML5, WebHelp Plus, WebHelp Mobile) using the URL method, you do not need to create a header file, alias file, and IDs. Those are optional steps. See CSH Calls for WebHelp and WebHelp Plus—Developers, CSH Calls for HTML5 Output—Developers, and CSH Calls for WebHelp Mobile—Developers.
Note: A header file is sometimes referred to as a "map file."
Note: If you are importing FrameMaker documents and you create topic alias markers in the source files, this file will be created automatically when you perform the import.
Note: If you have multiple header files in your project, their contents are merged when you generate output.