Branding Stylesheets

When a project is created a new branding file is automatically added that specifically identifies values for the branding elements. This file is a cascading stylesheet. Its default location is Content Explorer > Resources > Branding (Branding.css), but you can store the stylesheet anywhere. If a custom branding scheme is not defined, the stylesheet is still generated but with default branding values.

Tip The branding stylesheet is an ideal place to consolidate CSS variables across your project into a single file (i.e., the Branding.css file). If you have CSS variables already set up in another stylesheet you can keep them there.

Branding Stylesheet Order of Precedence

When using multiple stylesheets with conflicting settings, the branding stylesheet has the lowest precedence. See Primary and Local Stylesheets (and Precedence).

Flare Interface

  1. Local stylesheet associated with micro content file
  2. Local stylesheet associated with topics
  3. Primary stylesheet (styles from only one primary stylesheet can be used)
    1. Primary Target
    2. Project
  4. Branding stylesheet


  1. Local stylesheet associated with micro content file
  2. Local stylesheet associated with topics
  3. Local stylesheet associated with template pages
  4. Primary stylesheet (styles from only one primary stylesheet can be used)
    1. Any Target
    2. Project
  5. Branding stylesheet

Note If branding values are assigned in the Start New Project Wizard or after, those settings would propagate to other stylesheets of higher priority in the project. But you can override the branding styles in stylesheets with higher precedence.