Sharing Branding Files With Others

Once you have a branding stylesheet that includes custom branding values, you can share it with others. There are different ways to do this depending on your scope of work and what you want to do. Let's explore a few options.

  • No need to share a branding file With this option, you have no further action than to designate branding for your project and be done with it. This might be the case if you are the only writer in your company, or if you are working with a team but you work in the same project. If the branding is defined in the one project, there is no reason to share it beyond that project.

  • Save as a template and share across multiple projects You might work on a documentation team where each member maintains a project, but your company wants the team to use the same branding for every project. In this case, a Branding.css is created with specific colors, font, and images by one member of the team. It is saved as a template, and shared like any other file either locally or on a network. See Creating Templates.

  • Use Global Project Linking (GPL) to share the branding file Your project consists of a parent project, and multiple child projects that link to the main one via GPL. As the lead writer for a large team, you create a branding stylesheet that you control at the parent level. You instruct each member of your team to import the CSS file from the parent project to the child project they are responsible for. In the end, every project is using the same branding file for a consistent look and feel in output. See Global Project Linking—Importing Files From Other Projects.

Note It is possible to create custom branding project templates. This means that you can adjust the interactive preview to display as a custom project template. The preview shown in the Start New Project Wizard and the standalone Branding Editor exists as a small HTML web page. You can create all the necessary CSS variable connections so it dynamically updates the look and feel with a custom theme.

The main question to ask is, do you want the preview showing the templates to do anything? If you want to customize the templates in the preview to your own, then you might want to step through the advanced process of creating a custom preview project template. See Custom Branding Project Templates.