Header Files

A header file (sometimes referred to as a "map file") is a simple text file that works in conjunction with an alias file (i.e., as you edit the alias file, the header file is populated automatically) in context-sensitive Help. The header file contains basic information about connecting areas of an interface to the corresponding topics or micro content in online output. Both you and the software developer need access to this file, or at least to the IDs that will be used to connect various parts of the interface to specific areas of the documentation.

A header file has an .h extension and is stored in the Project Organizer under the Advanced folder. You can export the Flare header file into other file formats (e.g., .bas, .properties, .inc, etc.) if necessary.

Who Develops the Header File and How?

Either you or the software developer is responsible for creating the header file. That is something you must decide with the developer.

If it is decided that you are responsible for creating the header file, you can do so by adding a header file to the project, adding an alias file to the project, and then creating and assigning identifiers (IDs).

What is Contained in a Header File?

A completed header file contains one or more lines of text containing IDs. Each ID refers to a specific area of the interface that is linked to a corresponding topic or micro content response in the output. Here is part of a header file, showing three identifiers:

Preliminary Text

At the beginning of each line (before the header ID) is some necessary preliminary text (#define). Flare will add this text if you create IDs from within Flare. If you create the ID by using another text editor (such as Word or Notepad), you need to type this text manually.

ID Name

The next portion is the ID name for the topic or micro content. It tells you and the developer which part of the interface is associated with the line. This ID name is determined by you or the developer—whatever helps you to identify that area of the interface. Spaces are not allowed between words, so in the following example we used underscores.

ID Number

At the end of the line is a numerical value for the ID. Each ID must have a unique number assigned to it. Developers can "hook" the area of the interface in different ways (e.g., by pointing to the ID name or number). This way, the software application and your output can communicate with each other.

What’s Noteworthy?

Note If you are importing FrameMaker documents and you create topic alias markers in the source files, this file will be created automatically when you perform the import. See Creating Topic Alias Markers in FrameMaker for CSH.