Viewing Project Properties

If you have access to a project in Central (i.e., you have been added to the project), you can view its properties in the MadCap Central window pane. This lets you see relevant information about the project, such as when it was added to Central, the amount of space it is using on Central, and the number of targets and builds.

How to View Project Properties in Flare

  1. Open the project in MadCap Flare.
  2. Open the MadCap Central window pane (View > MadCap Central).
  3. If you are not already logged in to Central, log in to your account. See Logging In and Out of Central in Flare.

    Once you are logged in, the project's properties appear in the MadCap Central window pane. You can view the following properties:

    • License The name of the license where the project was uploaded.
    • Name The name of the project.
    • Description The project description (if applicable).
    • Created On The date the project was added to Central.
    • Last Modified The last time you pushed changes to the project to Central.
    • Source Project Storage Usage The total size of the project’s source files.
    • Total Project Storage Usage The total size of the project’s files (source plus output).
    • Total Targets The number of targets in the project.
    • Total Live Builds The number of builds for this project that are currently set to “Live” in Central (i.e., the builds are published so that the public can see the output).
    • Total Builds The number of builds for this project.
    • Builds Storage Usage The amount of storage in Central used by builds.