Recording Macros

You can use macros in Flare to automate frequently used commands or processes. You can record macros for almost any task that applies to the XML Editor. Macros save you time by streamlining the repetitive tasks you do every day, freeing you up for other tasks.

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How to Record a Macro

  1. Open the content file.
  2. Select the Tools ribbon. In the Macros section, click Record. The New Macro dialog opens.
  3. In the New Macro dialog, enter a name for the new macro.

    Note When naming or renaming a macro, you must use a unique name.

  4. Click Start. This begins the recording.

    Note The Record option in the ribbon or menu changes to Stop as soon as you begin recording.

  5. Perform the steps you want to record for the macro. Flare captures each of the steps to create the macro.
  6. When you are finished recording your macro, select Tools > Stop.

    This stops the recording.

    Note You can also stop the recording by closing the active topic.

What’s Noteworthy?

Note While it is possible to record a macro for almost any control that applies to the XML Editor, some features are disabled when you are recording. This is because some controls require considerable user input and are difficult to automate. The controls that are disabled are hyperlinks, related topics, concept links, keyword links, equations, and inserting characters (other than those in the favorites or recently used menu).

However, if there is a specific link, equation, or character that you use often, you can insert it into a snippet, and then create a macro for inserting the snippet and converting it to text. This is a little more work initially, but ultimately accomplishes the same goal.

Note Macros are saved to the AppData\Roaming\MadCap Software\Flare\Macros folder on your computer, so you can access them from any project you open on your computer.

If you want to share macros with other members of your team, you can send them the Macros file (in the Macros folder). If you have also added shortcuts that you want to share, you can send the Commands_3.mccmds file (in the AppData\Roaming\MadCap Software\Flare folder). They can add these files to their AppData folder to use your macros or shortcuts.

Note Macros are unique to each MadCap program. For example, macros you record in Flare are separate from those you record in Contributor, even if they are for the same functionality (e.g., inserting an annotation).

Note When you are working in the XML Editor, you can use the F8 shortcut to repeat your last action. This feature uses the same controller that is used when you create macros in Flare. Therefore, only actions that are supported by the macro controller are supported for the repeat shortcut.

Note Although you can only repeat an action if that action is supported by the macro controller, you do not need to have assigned a macro to your action in order to repeat it. This lets you repeat occasional actions without having to spend time recording a macro.

What’s Next?

After you record a macro, you can play it back. See Playing Back Macros.