Opening Feedback Explorer

Important Feedback is deprecated in Flare, which means that it is slated to be removed in a future version.

Feedback Explorer provides an interface that is used to view and track all reader activity in your online output. This is a standalone application that is separate from Flare. It displays user activity for the most recently opened Feedback file (which is associated with a target/license combination in Flare). For more information see the online Help provided with MadCap Feedback Explorer.

How to Open Feedback Explorer

  1. Open the target for which you want to see feedback.
  2. Select the Analytics tab.
  3. If you have not already done so, provide the appropriate information on the tab.
    1. From the Provider field, select Pulse/Feedback Server.
    2. In the Feedback Server URL field, enter the path to the server hosting the data.

      Note It is highly recommended that you purchase an SSL certificate and install it on your web server. SSL uses encryption for certain processes, which helps to ensure that the data transfer is secure. If you have an SSL certificate installed on your web server, make sure you begin the path to the server with https://.

    3. Copy the Feedback license that you have been issued and paste it into the Feedback Service License Key field.
  4. Click Configure with Feedback Explorer Application.

    Following these steps not only opens Feedback Explorer, but it also configures the settings in the target with Feedback Explorer. For more information see Configuring a Target With Feedback Explorer.

Note You can also launch MadCap Feedback Explorer from the Tools ribbon or menu. However, doing this will not necessarily ensure that the appropriate FBCONF file associated with the target that you want to view opens in the application. If not, you would need to open the FBCONF file from the Feedback Explorer interface. To use this method for opening MadCap Feedback Explorer, select Tools > MadCap > MadCap Feedback Explorer.