What's New?

Flare 2024 release notes can be found here.

Following are the new features available in Flare 2024.

Publish to Syndicate

  • Publish output files to a Xyleme Syndicate destination
  • Use Syndicate as your cloud-based content delivery platform for multi-file or single-file documents (e.g., technical documentation, eLearning material)

  • Manage, share, and give access to hosted content

  • Syndicate includes beneficial hosting features (e.g., a global content delivery network (CDN), federated search, scheduling activation/deactivation dates for output access)

Reducing Flicker in Frameless TOC Navigation

  • Supported in HTML5 frameless output (HTML5 Side or Top Navigation)
  • Embed visible table of contents entries when loading topics
  • Reduces "flicker" effects in the main TOC navigation

FrameMaker 2022 Support

  • Import files from FrameMaker 2022

Upcoming Deprecated Features

  • List of features that will be deprecated
  • Recommended replacements for deprecated features