PDF Output for a Course

Although HTML5 output is the main format for eLearning courses, you can also create PDF output. This might be desirable if you want to distribute a hard copy of the course, or if you require a student guide and an instructor guide. The questions in a printed version of the course are not interactive.

Note For more information on how to produce print-based output for eLearning courses, see eLearning Tutorial—Advanced.

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How to Show Answers in PDF

The following goes over some general PDF target options for eLearning material. If you produce an instructor guide, you can opt to show the correct answers (or hide them).

  1. Open a PDF target. (If you don't have one yet, then create a new PDF target file. See Adding Targets.)

  2. In the Target Editor, select the General tab.

    1. From the Output Type drop-down, confirm PDF is selected.

    2. From the Primary TOC drop-down, select the TOC for the course. (You can create a new TOC specifically for the PDF output if you want to.)

  3. Select the Advanced tab, and under the Output Options section, select Show correct answers for eLearning questions.

  4. (Optional) Select other PDF options for output. See Specifying PDF Options.

  5. Save and build the target.

eLearning Questions in PDF

After building a PDF target, take a look at the PDF. If the option Show correct answers for eLearning questions is enabled, then the questions display with the correct answer notations.

If Show correct answers for eLearning questions is disabled, then the questions display in the output without the correct answer notations.