Creating Indentation With the Tab Key

If you want to indent the first line in a paragraph, click at the very beginning of that paragraph and press your TAB key. This increases the text-indent of the paragraph by 0.5 inch.

Indenting in this way will apply local formatting to your tag. It is recommended that you instead modify the style for this content, setting the first line indent (i.e., text-indent) property in the Stylesheet Editor. Using a style means the setting will automatically be applied to any content using that style throughout the project, whereas local formatting affects only the particular content that you are working on. See Indenting Paragraphs.

Note If you are in a paragraph—but not at the very beginning of it—and you press the TAB key, the Create Group dialog opens. This lets you select one of the available block tags (blockquote, div, fieldset, form). These tags let you create block-level content in a unique "container" for different purposes. See Creating Divs and Other Tag Groups.