Meta Tags and Content Management

Content management is the use of processes and systems to help gather, handle, and distribute information. After adding meta tags to your files, there are various ways that you can find and manage that information.

Note Analysis data for the window panes described below can also be accessed when running a report (located in the Project Organizer > Reports folder). See Reports.

Viewing Used Meta Tags

  1. In the Analysis ribbon, select Used Items > Used Meta Tags.

  2. To see more of the information in the window pane, drag the divider bar to make the pane wider.
    • Meta Tag Displays the name of the meta tag.
    • Meta Tag Set Displays the name of the meta tag set file (if any) where the meta tag was found.
    • Content Displays the value for the meta tag.
    • File Displays the name of the file.
    • Title Displays the properties title of the file (if any).
    • Folder Displays the folder where the file is found.
  3. If a certain number of items have been found, page navigation buttons in the local toolbar may be enabled. You can use these buttons to go to additional pages to display more items. You can also click View All in the local toolbar to see all results on a single page. Keep in mind that the more items you have in the project, the longer it will take to load this view.
  4. You can click a column heading to reorganize the grid according to that value. For example, if you want to see the meta tag values grouped together, click the Content column heading.

Note You can open any file in the list to view or modify it in an editor. You can either double-click on the specific row, or right-click on the row and select Open.

You can also quickly rename or remove multiple meta tag occurrences in a single batch. Select the rows you want to affect, and click the "Rename" or "Delete" button in the local toolbar.

Viewing Unused Meta Tags

You can view a list of all meta tags that have been created in your project but have not yet been used in any files. By "unused," we mean that the meta tag was created but no values were set for it in any file.

You can quickly delete any of the meta tags that you do not plan to use.

  1. Select Analysis > More Reports > Unused Items.

    The Unused Items window pane opens, which lets you view various unused elements in the project (such as bookmarks, condition tags, content files, CSH IDs, images, variables, styles, file tags, meta tags, and topics not linked).

  2. Click the drop-down field at the top of the window pane and select Unused Meta Tags. The unused meta tags in the project are listed.
  3. To see more of the information in the window pane, drag the divider bar to make the pane wider.

  4. If a certain number of items have been found, page navigation buttons in the local toolbar may be enabled. You can use these buttons to go to additional pages to display more items. You can also click View All in the local toolbar to see all results on a single page. Keep in mind that the more items you have in the project, the longer it will take to load this view.
  5. If you want to remove any unused meta tags from the project being analyzed, select the meta tag in the list and click Use delete to empty contents. in the local toolbar.

Viewing Undefined Meta Tags

You can view a list of all files with meta tags applied to them, but those meta tags have not been defined. This might occur, for example, if you have applied a meta tag to a file and then later change the name of the tag or meta tag set in the Text Editor.

  1. Do one of the following, depending on the part of the user interface you are using:

    • Ribbon Select Analysis > Undefined Items > Undefined Meta Tags.

    • Summary Window Pane Double-click the row that mentions undefined meta tags.

    The Undefined Meta Tags window pane opens.

  2. To see more of the information in the window pane, drag the divider bar to make the pane wider.
  3. If a certain number of items have been found, page navigation buttons in the local toolbar may be enabled. You can use these buttons to go to additional pages to display more items. You can also click View All in the local toolbar to see all results on a single page. Keep in mind that the more items you have in the project, the longer it will take to load this view.

For details on fixing undefined meta tags, see Viewing Undefined Meta Tags.

Viewing Invalid Meta Values

You can view a list of all files containing meta tags that have invalid values. For example, an invalid meta tag might occur if you remove a meta tag's list item from the meta tag set file. In a case such as this, you can resolve the issue by adding the list item back to the meta tag set, or re-associating the files with a different value.

  1. Do one of the following, depending on the part of the user interface you are using:

    • Ribbon Select Analysis > More Reports > Invalid Meta Values.

    • Summary Window Pane Double-click the row that mentions invalid meta values.

    The Invalid Meta Values window pane opens.

  2. To see more of the information in the window pane, drag the divider bar to make the pane wider.
  3. If a certain number of items have been found, page navigation buttons in the local toolbar may be enabled. You can use these buttons to go to additional pages to display more items. You can also click View All in the local toolbar to see all results on a single page. Keep in mind that the more items you have in the project, the longer it will take to load this view.

Note You can open any file in the list to view or modify it in an editor. You can either double-click on the specific row, or right-click on the row and select Open.

Viewing Duplicate Meta Tags

You can view a list of all meta tags that have been applied to files throughout your project and whose values are defined two or more times in the same file. However, the same meta tag name is allowed in different meta tag sets.

  1. Select Analysis > More Reports > Duplicate Meta Tags. The Duplicate Meta Tags window pane opens.

  2. To see more of the information in the window pane, drag the divider bar to make the pane wider.

  3. If a certain number of items have been found, page navigation buttons in the local toolbar may be enabled. You can use these buttons to go to additional pages to display more items. You can also click View All in the local toolbar to see all results on a single page. Keep in mind that the more items you have in the project, the longer it will take to load this view.

  4. You can quickly remove multiple meta tag occurrences in a single batch. Select the rows you want to affect, and click the "Delete" button.

Note You can open any file in the list to view or modify it in an editor. You can either double-click on the specific row, or right-click on the row and select Open.

Finding Meta Tag Elements

You can use the Find Elements window pane to search for meta tag names and values to discover which files are using them.

  1. Select Home > Find and Replace. Then in the Find and Replace in Files window pane, click the Find Elements tab. Alternatively, you can press CTRL+N on your keyboard.
  2. In the Find field, click the first drop-down and choose Tag if it is not already selected.
  3. In the next field(s) to the right, enter or select meta.
  4. Click Add Row and select Attribute.
  5. In the Name field, enter or select name or content, depending on whether you want to find files containing the meta tag's name or a particular value.
  6. In the Value field, enter the name of the meta tag or a specific value that you want to include in the results. (You might need to refer to the meta tag set or file properties to retrieve the precise name or value.)
  7. If you want to include another set of criteria in the search, click Add Row, select Attribute, and complete the Name and Value fields for that row as well.
  8. Look at the Preview field to make sure the selected options will do what you expect.
  9. Click in the Find in field and select one of the options (for details, see Finding and Replacing Elements).

  10. Click in the File types field and select one of the options (for details, see Finding and Replacing Elements).
  11. (Optional) You can expand Options and choose additional features (for details, see Finding and Replacing Elements).

  12. Click Find All. Flare finds and lists all occurrences of the element in the Find Results window pane at the bottom of the user interface.

Finding Meta Tag Text

You can use the Find Text window pane to search for files containing specific meta tag markup.

  1. Select Home > Find and Replace. In the Find and Replace in Files window pane, make sure the Find Text tab is selected.
  2. In the Find field, enter the meta tag markup you want to search (e.g., meta name="Video Links" content="Overview Video,Procedure Video"). (You might need to open one of your files containing meta tags to see exactly how the markup is written.)
  3. Click in the Find in field and select one of the options (for details, see Finding and Replacing Elements).

  4. Click in the File types field and select one of the options (for details, see Finding and Replacing Elements).
  5. Expand Options and select Find in source code. You can select any of the other options that you want as well.

  6. Click Find All. Flare finds and lists all occurrences of the text in the Find Results window pane at the bottom of the user interface.

Note If you want to perform an advanced search for meta tags, you can use wildcards or regular expressions as well (see Wildcards and Regular Expressions).

Viewing Description Meta Tag Text in the File List Window Pane

If you add "description" meta tags to topics, you can use the File List window pane to see the text for each file.

  1. Select View > File List.

  2. From the Filter drop-down in the local toolbar, select Topic Files (*.htm;*.html).

  3. Notice the text in the Description column. (If this column is not shown, click in the local toolbar to add it.)