Meta Tags and Micro Content

Micro content is short, concise information that stands alone and is easily consumable. In Flare, it begins with the creation of a collection of brief phrases and corresponding responses, such as questions and answers. After generating HTML5 output, these phrase/response combinations can be used in different ways as users interact with your output. For example, it can greatly improve the user experience when people search in your HTML5 output. It can also be used to create field-level context-sensitive Help.

One of the most powerful ways to use micro content is to integrate it with your meta tags. This gives you more flexibility and control over what micro content displays in the output and where. See Micro Content.

For example, when you implement any of the micro content containers in your output (featured snippets, Knowledge Panel, micro content proxies), you will see options that let you select meta tag names and values that you've set up. See Micro Content Containers and Proxies.

To gain a better understanding of micro content and how it might be used with your meta tags , we recommend you walk through the following tutorials: