Creating Custom Meta Tags

In addition to using meta tag sets, you can add custom text meta tags to any of the files that support them in a project.

Note List and file tag meta tags can be created only in a meta tag set; they cannot be created in other files. However, all files that support meta tags (e.g., topics, template pages) will display list and file tag meta tags originating from the meta tag set. You can then select values for them in any of the files.

How to Create a Custom Meta Tag in a File

  1. For most files (e.g., template pages, snippets, topics, micro content files, images, multimedia files), right-click the file in the Content Explorer and select Properties.

    For the main project file, select the Project ribbon and click Properties.

    For a target, open the Target Editor and select the Meta Tags tab.

    For a micro content phrase, open the micro content file. Then, right-click the micro content phrase and select Properties.

  2. In the local toolbar, click Add custom text meta tag. This adds an empty text meta tag in the Custom section, below any meta tags originating from meta tag sets.

    Note In the local toolbar, you can also use buttons to show or hide any variable definitions (if any of the meta tags contain variables), as well as to expand and collapse the meta tag sections.

    For files below the target level, you will also see a drop-down field for targets. This lets you see different meta tag values that might have been applied to each target. See Meta Tags and Targets.

  3. Complete the Name field, and then the Value field. You can also use the variable button Add a variable definition. to the right of the Value field if you want to insert a variable into the field.

    Note If you decide you no longer need a meta tag, you can click Delete meta tag to the right of it to delete it.

  4. Depending on the type of file and area of the user interface, click OK in the dialog or click Save the active file. to save your work.