Viewing and Renaming Used Meta Tags

You can view a list of all meta tags that have been applied to files throughout your project. The list shows not only the meta tags, but each file where they have been used, and the values (i.e., content) of each. You can also quickly rename or remove multiple meta tag occurrences in a single batch.

How to View Used Meta Tags

  1. In the Analysis ribbon, select Used Items > Used Meta Tags.

  2. To see more of the information in the window pane, drag the divider bar to make the pane wider.
    • Meta Tag Displays the name of the meta tag.
    • Meta Tag Set Displays the name of the meta tag set file (if any) where the meta tag was found.
    • Content Displays the value for the meta tag.
    • File Displays the name of the file.
    • Title Displays the properties title of the file (if any).
    • Folder Displays the folder where the file is found.
  3. If a certain number of items have been found, page navigation buttons in the local toolbar may be enabled. You can use these buttons to go to additional pages to display more items. You can also click View All in the local toolbar to see all results on a single page. Keep in mind that the more items you have in the project, the longer it will take to load this view.
  4. You can click a column heading to reorganize the grid according to that value. For example, if you want to see the meta tag values grouped together, click the Content column heading.

Note You can open any file in the list to view or modify it in an editor. You can either double-click on the specific row, or right-click on the row and select Open.

How to Rename Meta Tag Occurrences

  1. In the window pane, select all file tag occurrences that you want to rename. If you want to select all rows click Click to select all rows.. You can hold the SHIFT key to select a range, or you can hold the CTRL key to select individual items.

    Note All meta tag occurrences that you select will be renamed to the same meta tag that you provide in the following steps.

  2. In the local toolbar, click the Rename button.
  3. In the New meta tag name field, enter a meta tag name that already exists in the meta tag set.
  4. Click OK.
  5. A message lets you know how many files were changed. Click OK. All of the selected meta tag occurrences are renamed.

    Note If you want to undo the conversions, you can use the Backups window pane (View > Backups). See Restoring Backup Files.

What’s Noteworthy?

Note You can also include this information in reports that you create. See Reports.