Micro Content Tutorials and Examples

In addition to the other information in this section, we recommend you also walk through the micro content tutorials and read various detailed examples to gain a better understanding of the micro content features and how they work.

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  • Micro Content Tutorial—Basic

    Approximate Time: 25 minutes

    Welcome to the Flare Micro Content Tutorial—Basic.

    • Tutorial Goal Learning how to create micro content for HTML5 search results.
    • Key Concepts Creating a micro content file with phrases and responses, and single-sourcing micro content.
  • Micro Content Tutorial—Advanced

    Approximate Time: 1 hour, 45 minutes

    Welcome to the Flare Micro Content Tutorial—Advanced.

    • Tutorial Goal Learning how to use the various types of micro content containers, as well as skin settings.
    • Key Concepts Populating containers with micro content in search results and topics through various settings, including meta tags, and modifying skins to control the look.
