Micro Content and Context-Sensitive Help

You can set context-sensitive Help (CSH) identifiers (IDs) on micro content phrases, therefore connecting the corresponding responses to specific parts of a software interface. And since micro content is intended to be quite short, this makes it ideal for field-level Help, as opposed to say, window- or dialog-level Help. Flare handles the connection between your micro content phrase/response combinations and CSH IDs; however, to link these IDs to a desktop application, your programmers would need to use whatever third-party software they normally use to complete their part of the work.

The process of creating CSH for micro content is essentially the same as it is for topics. See Process for Context-Sensitive Help.

  • Author After assigning the IDs to the appropriate micro content phrases, you need to build the output and make it available to the developer. You also need to share the header file with the developer if you are responsible for creating it.
  • Developer Based on the information in the header file, the developer associates the IDs with each area of your software's interface. The developer can use a JavaScript or URL method. See CSH Calls for HTML5 Output.