Viewing Broken Bookmarks

You can view a list of files with broken bookmarks, including the bookmark destination that the link is trying to find, the link text, the link tag, and other information. Also, you can open the file where the broken link is located so that you can fix it. See Analysis Ribbon.

How to View and Fix Broken Bookmarks

  1. Open a content file (e.g., topic).
  2. Select Analysis > Links > Broken Bookmarks.

    The Broken Bookmarks window pane opens. The area at the bottom of the window pane displays all files that contain bookmark links to the open file that are broken.

  3. To see more of the information in the window pane, drag the divider bar to make the pane wider.

    • File Displays the name of the file where the broken link occurs.
    • Folder Displays the folder where the file is found.
    • Link Displays the link that is broken (e.g., the path and name of the topic in question).
    • Type Displays the type of broken link (e.g., missing file).
    • Link Text Displays the text in the source topic that is being used as the link.
    • Link Tag Displays the style used for the link. For example, if a regular text hyperlink is used, you will see "a" in this column.
    • Extension Displays the file extension that the link is not finding (e.g., .htm, .jpg).
  4. If a certain number of items have been found, page navigation buttons in the local toolbar may be enabled. You can use these buttons to go to additional pages to display more items. You can also click View All in the local toolbar to see all results on a single page. Keep in mind that the more items you have in the project, the longer it will take to load this view.
  5. Double-click the row that you want to correct. The file opens in the appropriate editor or dialog. For example, if the link appears in a topic, the XML Editor opens with the broken link highlighted.
  6. Redirect the link as necessary (e.g., right-click on the link and select Edit Hyperlink or Edit Cross-Reference).

Note You can also include this information in reports that you create. See Reports.

Note You can also see broken bookmarks in a file if you have the Link Viewer window pane open. See Viewing File Links.