Inserting Drop-Downs

The following steps show you how to create a new drop-down effect.

How to Insert a Drop-Down

  1. Open the content file.
  2. In the XML Editor type and format the content that will become the drop-down hotspot and the drop-down body.
  3. Highlight all of the paragraphs that you want to be part of the drop-down effect, including the first paragraph, which will contain the hotspot.

  4. Select Insert > Drop-Down Text.

    The selected content is converted to a drop-down effect, and it now has brackets around it in the XML Editor (if markers are turned on). The hotspot has a blue down arrow to the left of it.

    Note If you only selected one paragraph when creating a drop-down, Flare adds some generic text after the heading for you to replace.

  5. (Optional) If you want to designate a specific portion of the first paragraph to serve as the hotspot, first highlight that text.

    Then in the Insert ribbon, click the down arrow in the Drop-Down Text field and select Drop-Down Hotspot. (Alternatively you can select the same option from the right-click menu.)

  6. Click Save the active file. to save your work.