Inserting Pages in Page Layouts

There are various ways to add new pages to a page layout. Use this method if you want to add a new page that initially is completely blank. After inserting a page, it takes on the size and margins of the previous page in the layout. However, you must add frames, content, and other settings to the new page as needed (unless you want to use it as a completely blank "empty page").  See Page Layouts.

How to Insert a Page Into a Page Layout

  1. Open the page layout. The Page Layout Editor displays.
  2. In the local toolbar, click the down arrow next to the Page Properties button .
  3. From the drop-down select Add Page, and from the menu select one of the following.

    • Title Select this type if you want the settings to be applied to the first page in your output, which typically displays the manual title. If you include an Empty page type in your page layout, the title page in the output will be followed by the empty page. It is not mandatory that you use this page type for a title. Instead, you can use one of the other types, such as Normal.
    • First Select this type for the first page of a new chapter. This page type can be used in a situation where you are creating a simple configuration and you are not concerned with left and right pages (e.g., a document for electronic distribution only). In most cases, a First page type would be followed by Normal pages.
    • First Left Select this page type if you want chapters to begin on left-sided pages, and you need a different look for those pages than would be used for a regular left page.
    • First Right Select this page type if you want chapters to begin on right-sided pages, and you need a different look for those pages than would be used for a regular right page.
    • Left Select this type if you want the settings to be applied to a page in the output when it appears on a left (or even) page (e.g., page 42).
    • Right Select this type if you want the settings to be applied to a page in the output when it appears on a right (or odd) page (e.g., page 43).
    • Normal Select this type if you do not want a Left/Right type of page flow, but instead just want the same layout on every page, perhaps like a screenplay.
    • Empty Select this type if you want the settings to be applied to an empty page in the output. You might use this page type after Title pages. Otherwise, you probably want to use the Empty Left and Empty Right page types instead. See Using Empty Pages. 
    • Empty Left Select this type if you also have a First Right page type and need empty pages to be injected before them when necessary (i.e., to force a new chapter to begin on the right side).
    • Empty Right Select this type if you also have a First Left page type and need empty pages to be injected before them when necessary (i.e., to force a new chapter to begin on the left side).

      Note The empty page types are not supported in Microsoft Word output.

A new untitled page is added to the page layout. A small rectangle is added to the right of the page layout, which can be used to open the new page.

Note You can also mirror, duplicate, or copy a page. See Mirroring Pages in Page Layouts, Duplicating Pages in Page Layouts, and Copying Pages in Page Layouts.

What’s Next?

After adding a page to a layout, you can add frames to the pages and edit them. See Adding Page Layout Frames, and Editing Pages.

Warning Make sure you at least add a body frame to each new page that you create. Otherwise, your output will not work as you want it to.