Changing the Heading Text for Auto-Generated Proxies

You can change the heading text for auto-generated glossary, index, and TOC proxies in the language skin. See Auto-Generating Glossaries, Indexes, and TOCs for Print Outputs and Language Skins.

Flare provides skins for many different languages (see Translation and Localization). If Flare does not provide a skin for a language that you would like to use, you can create a user-defined language skin.

How to Change the Heading Text for Auto-Generated Proxies

  1. Open the Project Organizer.
  2. Double-click the Advanced folder.
  3. Double-click a language skin to open it.
  4. From the list, select a language.
  5. On the right side of the editor, select Print and Online.
  6. If necessary, on the left side of the editor, expand the Print and Online group.
  7. In the Name column, locate the Glossary, Index, or TOC items , depending on which element you want to change:

    • Accordion Item.Glossary
    • Accordion Item.Index
    • Accordion Item.TOC

  8. Double-click in any of the Value fields and change the text as necessary.

  9. Click Save the active file. to save your work.

Note All other attributes for the generated glossary, index, and TOC can be controlled in your stylesheet. See Editing the Look of a Glossary, Editing the Look of Your Print Index, and Editing the Look of a Print TOC.