Moderating Pulse

Moderating Pulse

Important Pulse is deprecated in Flare, which means that it is slated to be removed in a future version.

If you are a member of the Administrators or Employees group, there are two user interfaces for moderating the activity in your Pulse system. You can use the Flare output or the Pulse dashboard to moderate activity in a variety of ways.

  • Approve (Moderate) Posts You can specify that all posts must first be approved by a moderator before they are displayed publicly. If you are subscribed to the topic, you will receive an email notification when there is a new pending post. You can then click the link to that topic and accept or reject the post. See Moderating (Approving/Rejecting) Posts.
  • Contact Registered Users You can use the chat feature or send messages to registered users. See Contacting Registered Users.
  • Customize and Use the Your Apps Menu The Your Apps menu gives you access to a variety of Pulse tools. See Customizing the Your Apps Menu.
  • Follow Community Activities You can stay connected with the users in your community by following a variety of activities. See Following Community Activities.
  • Invite People You can invite members of the Administrators and Employees group to join groups, follow tags, or follow users. See Inviting People.
  • Manage Tasks Members of the Customers group can assign tasks to any registered user. In addition, members of the Administrators and Employees group can assign tasks to each other. Administrators and Employees can respond to tasks posted by others and manage their own tasks. See Assigning Tasks, Responding to Tasks, and Tasks.
  • Read it Later You can add posts to a personalized list of items to read later. This is a useful feature when users have questions that you can't answer immediately. See Bookmarking a Post to Read it Later and Read It Later.
  • Respond to Posts Perhaps one of the most important tasks is to develop social relationships with your end users. One of the best ways to accomplish this is by responding to user posts in a timely manner. See Responding to Status Updates, Responding to Questions, Responding to Articles, and Responding to Tasks.
  • Share Posts You can share Pulse posts on your own feed, on someone else's feed, and in a group. See Sharing Posts.
  • Subscribe to Feeds You can subscribe to feeds that you are responsible for moderating. While this feature is available to all registered users, it is a particularly important task for Administrators or Employees who want to be notified when end users post status updates, questions, articles, and tasks. See Subscribing to Communities and Topics.
  • Tag Content The Pulse dashboard provides members of the Administrators and Employees group with access to a Tags menu where they can perform more advanced tagging activities (see Using the Tags Menu). All registered users can create and apply tags to posts (see Tagging Posts).
  • Work With Favorites You can create lists of favorites and give your lists any name you want to help you monitor activity and information in Pulse. See Working With Favorites.