Search Highlighting

When users initiate a search query, the search hits (i.e., the matching keywords and phrases) may be highlighted when the individual topics are opened. This feature is called "search highlighting" and it is supported for simple text search and phrase search. Note that when searching with wildcard characters, the search feature will not apply highlighting to search hits.

Search Highlighting in Online Outputs

Online output types use a highlight color when revealing search hits. HTML5 Tripane output shows highlights words in color by default. In Side and Top Navigation outputs, search results are transparent, but you can customize this, adding colors. See Customizing the Highlight Color for Search Hits.

In Eclipse Help, search highlighting is provided by the Eclipse platform and cannot be changed using Flare.

Turning Off Search Highlighting in Flare's Output

If you search in any of Flare's online Help systems and open a topic from the search results, terms are automatically highlighted in the topic. To turn off the highlighting, click in the upper-right of the topic.