Creating a Binary TOC

You can create a binary table of contents (TOC) for your project. Binary TOCs are intended for very large compiled Microsoft HTML Help projects, reducing the amount of time it takes to load a TOC.

If you use this feature, please keep in mind that binary content files:

  • Do not work with external TOC files
  • Only support TOC book and entry icons (not custom icons)
  • Do not support TOC style options such as borders and plus/minus squares
  • Do not support custom fonts

[Menu Proxy — Headings — Online — Depth3 ]

How to Create a Binary TOC

  1. Create a TOC.
  2. Open a Standard skin.
  3. Select the HTML Help Setup tab.
  4. Click the TOC Options button.
  5. In the HTML Help TOC Options dialog, select Binary.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Click Save the active file. to save your work.

Note You can also create a binary index in Flare. See Creating a Binary Index.

What’s Next?

Make sure that you associate the skin with the target. See Associating Skins With Targets.