HTML5 Skin Option Comparison

Following is a comparison of the HTML5 Side Navigation, Top Navigation, and Tripane skins, as well as the skinless option.


Side Nav

Top Nav



eLearning Interactivity

Frameless—No Framesets

Frameless—No iframes1

Glossary Terms in Search Results

Micro Content in Search Results

Navigation Panes—Browse Sequence, Glossary, Index, Pulse Community, TOC

Project Merging

Pulse Integration


Responsive Skin Always Enabled

Skin Component—Central Account

Skin Component—eLearning Toolbar

Skin Component—FAQ

Skin Component—Favicons

Skin Component—Knowledge

Skin Component—Menu

Skin Component—Promotion

Skin Component—Search Bar

Skin Component—Search Results

Skin Component—Test Results

Skin Component—Topic Toolbar

1If your HTML5 output is enabled with MadCap Pulse, the comments area at the bottom of topics is wrapped in an iframe. Therefore, the output is technically not entirely frameless. However, because it is only the comments that are contained in the iframe, the main topic content still retains the benefits (e.g., better search results) of frameless output.