Deleting Template Pages

If necessary, you can delete a template page that you have created.

How to Delete a Template Page

  1. Open the Content Explorer.
  2. Expand the Resources folder, and double-click the TemplatePages subfolder to open it (unless you have stored these files in a custom folder).
  3. Click the template page that you want to delete.
  4. On your keyboard press DELETE.
  5. When asked if you are sure you want to delete the template page, click Yes.

Note You can also disassociate template pages from targets. That way, you do not need to delete the template page. In that case, the template page would still exist in the project (in case you decide to use it again in the future), but it does not show up in any of the outputs. For more information see Associating Template Pages With Targets, and remove the template page from the target.