Zipping and Emailing Projects

If you want to send your project to another location or person, you can package (zip) the project into a single file that is much smaller than the entire project in its normal state. The zipped project can then be easily unzipped by anyone who also uses Flare, retuning the project to its normal state so that it can be edited. Zipping a project is also a great way to create and store a backup of your project.

There are two methods you can use—(1) zipping only or (2) zipping and emailing. The first method lets you zip the project and place the compressed file where you want on your computer. The second method lets you zip the project and immediately attach it to an email so that you can send it to someone. This topic deals with the second method. Also see Zipping Projects.

How to Zip and Email a Project

  1. Open a project.
  2. Select Project > Zip Project > Zip and Email Project.

    Flare compresses the project and places it into a single file with an.flprjzip extension. The file is attached to an email message, ready for you to send to others.

    When individuals receive the email, the can unzip the file by double-clicking it (if they also have Flare installed). See Opening Zipped Projects.

Note Alternatively, you can use a more robust export feature, with additional options, to zip a project (or parts of one). See Exporting Projects.