Unused Items Window Pane

This window pane is used to view lists of unused elements in your project.

What You Can View

Depending on the option you choose from the drop-down field at the top of the window pane, you can view:

Note You can also include this information in reports that you create. See Reports.

How to Open This Window Pane

Select Analysis > More Reports > Unused Items.

Buttons and Sections



Drop-Down Field

Lets you select an option to view different kinds of unused items in the project:

Topics Not Linked

You can view a list of all topics that are not linked from anywhere else in the project. Let's say you were to create a text hyperlink to this topic from another topic, or perhaps link to the topic from a table of contents. In that case, the topic would no longer be displayed in the Topics Not Linked window pane. You can double-click a row to open the topic in question. You can also add condition tags to the topic. See Viewing Topics Not Linked.

Unused Content Files

You can view a list of the content files (e.g., topics, images, multimedia, page layouts, template pages, snippets) within your project that are not being used. For example, if an image file is added to your project but not yet inserted into any topic, it is considered an unused file. Also, if you have created a topic, but no other files link to that topic (or if no index keywords or concepts have been inserted into it), the topic is considered unused. You can quickly delete any of the files that you do not plan to use. You can also add condition tags to the content files. See Viewing Unused Content Files.

Unused Images

You can view a list of all images that have been created in your project but have not yet been used in any topics or other files. You can quickly delete any of the images that you do not plan to use. You can also add condition tags to the images. See Viewing Unused Images.

Unused Variables

You can view a list of all variables that have been created in your project but have not yet been used in any topics or other files. You can quickly delete any of the variables that you do not plan to use. See Viewing Unused Variables.

Unused Condition Tags

You can view a list of all condition tags that have been created in your project but have not yet been used in any topics or other files. You can quickly delete any of the condition tags that you do not plan to use. See Viewing Unused Conditions.

Unused CSH IDs

You can view a list of all context-sensitive Help (CSH) identifiers that have been created in your project but have not yet been assigned. You can double-click a row to open the Flare header file. See Viewing Unused CSH IDs.

Unused File Tags

You can view a list of all file tags that have been created in your project but have not yet been used in any files. You can quickly delete any of the file tags that you do not plan to use. See Viewing Unused File Tags.

Unused Styles

You can view a list of styles in your project that have not yet been applied to content in any files. If you do not use a particular style class, you can remove it from the stylesheet. You can also use the "disable" feature to hide styles that you do not want to be displayed in the stylesheet; you can access this feature from the Options drop-down button in the local toolbar of the Stylesheet Editor. See Viewing Unused Styles.

Empty Content Folders

You can view a list folders in you project that do not contain any content. You can quickly delete any empty content folders that you do not plan to use. See Viewing Empty Content Folders.

Unused Bookmarks

You can view a list of all bookmarks that have been inserted in content files, but there are no links in that file or any others pointing to that bookmark. You can quickly delete any of the bookmarks that you do not plan to use. You can also double-click a row to open the file where the bookmark is inserted. For more information about bookmarks and how they are used in projects, see Bookmarks.

Hides or shows special information pertaining to the editor or window pane.

Refresh the active window pane.

Refreshes the window pane so that the latest information is shown.

Use delete to empty contents.

Deletes the selection.

Condition Tag

Displays the name of the condition tag not being used. This column displays for unused condition tags only.


Displays the CSH identifier that is not being used. This column displays for unused CSH IDs only.


Displays the name of the parent style, followed by a period and the name of the class under that style (e.g., p.tip). This column displays for unused styles only.


Displays any property settings that you have set for the style class. This column displays for unused styles only.


Displays the name of the variable not being used. This column displays for unused variables only.


Displays the name of the file.


Displays the properties title of the file (if any). This column displays for unlinked topics only.


Displays the folder where the file is found.


This option displays for unused variables and CSH IDs only.

  • Unused variables Displays the text associated with the variable.
  • Unused CSH IDs Displays the unique numerical value associated with the CSH ID.