Following Posts

Following Posts

Important Pulse is deprecated in Flare, which means that it is slated to be removed in a future version.

AVAILABLE TO: Administrators, Employees, and Customers

All registered users have the ability to follow a post. In Pulse, a post is a status update, question, article, or task. You can follow posts that appear in any topic, group, tag, and user feed that you have access permission to view.

How to Follow a Post

  1. In the Pulse dashboard or Flare output, navigate to the desired post. 
  2. Immediately below the post, click Follow.

    Pulse begins notifying you about any activities relating to that post, such as new comments, likes, follows, tags, and shares. See Notifications.

How to Unfollow a Post

  1. In the Pulse dashboard or Flare output, navigate to the desired post. 
  2. Immediately below the post you are following, click Unfollow.

    Pulse stops notifying you about any activities relating to that post, such as new comments, likes, follows, tags, and shares. See Notifications.

What’s Noteworthy?

Note If you are a member of the Administrators or Employees group, you have other options for following community activity. See Following Community Activities.