Toolbar Example

Information for Developers

To add a custom toolbar, you need to use the INavContext interface. See INavContext Interface.

Here is an example assuming your class instance of INavContext is named “mNav.”

private void CreateCustombar()
    ICustomToolBar toolBar = mNav.CreateCustomToolBar("My ToolBar");
    toolBar.AddButton("My Button",newButtonCommand());

ButtonCommand and MyViewModel are defined as follows.

public classButtonCommand :ICommand
    public bool CanExecute(object parameter)
        return true;
    public voidExecute(object parameter)
        MessageBox.Show("I got pressed!");
public static classRibbonViewModel
    private static RibbonMenuData _menuData;
    public staticRibbonMenuData MenuData
            if (_menuData ==null)
                BitmapImage image =new BitmapImage(new Uri("<ICON PATH>"));
                _menuData =new RibbonMenuData()
                    Label ="My Menu",
                    SmallImage = image,
                    KeyTip ="D"
                _menuData.ControlDataCollection.Add(new RibbonControlData()
                    MenuLabel = "item1"
                _menuData.ControlDataCollection.Add(new RibbonControlData()
                    MenuLabel = "item2"
            return _menuData;

Note The custom toolbar is only visible when the Flare interface is in “Tool Strip” mode.