ISelection Interface

Information for Developers

The ISelection interface provides functionality to edit the document selection.

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  • bool IsBold Gets the value indicating whether the selection is bold.
  • bool IsItalic Gets the value indicating whether the selection is italic.
  • bool IsUnderlined Gets the value indicating whether the selection is underlined.
  • bool TrackChange Gets and sets the value indicating if ISelection operations are tracked.


  • bool Bold() Bolds the selection.
  • bool ChangeBackColor(Color) Changes the background of the selection to the specified System.Drawing.Color.
  • bool ChangeFontFamily(string) Changes the font family of the selection to the specified value.
  • bool ChangeFontSize(float) Changes the font size of the selection to the specified value.
  • bool ChangeForeColor(Color) Changes the foreground color of the selection to the specified System.Drawing.Color.
  • bool FormatStyle(string) Changes the span style of the selection to the specified CSS class and/or ID.
  • Color GetBackColor() Returns the System.Drawing.Color of the background.
  • string GetFontFamily() Returns the font family of the selection.
  • floatGetFontSize() Returns the font size of the selection.
  • Color GetForeColor() Returns the System.Drawing.Color of the foreground.
  • string GetStyle() Returns the CSS class and/or ID of the selection.
  • string GetText() Returns the selected text.
  • IList<XmlNode> GetXmlNodeList() Returns a list of System.Xml.XmlNode(s) that the selection is a part of.
  • bool Italicize() Italicizes the selection.
  • bool RemoveFormatStyle(string) Removes the specified span style/class of the selection. If the specified argument is null, all inline formatting is removed from the selection.
  • bool ReplaceText(string) Replaces the selected text with the specified text.
  • void SetSelectionLength(int) Sets the length of the selection to the specified value.
  • bool Underline() Underlines the selection.