Specifying How Online Features are Converted in Printed Output

The online features from your project (e.g., text hyperlinks, expanding text, Help controls) are converted to print-based output in various ways, as described in the following table.

Default Behavior of Online Features in Print-Based Output

Online feature

How it is converted in print-based output


Not included in the document

Browse sequences

Not included in the document

Context-Sensitive Help

Not included in the document


You can convert the cross-references to page number references (e.g., "See My Topic" can become "See page 36"). This is done by using a stylesheet medium and changing the property settings for the cross-reference style for the print medium. You also need to make sure the print medium is associated with the target you wan to build. For more information see Cross-References and Mediums and Media Queries.

Drop-down text

Hotspot converted to text; body expanded inline

Expanding text

Hotspot converted to text; body can be converted (in the Target Editor) to (1) footnotes, (2) inline text, or (3) removed. See steps below.


Not included in the document

Glossary term links

Converted to footnotes at the bottom of pages

Help controls (related topics, concept links, keyword links)

Not included in the document


Hotspot converted to text; body can be converted (in the Target Editor) to (1) footnotes, (2) inline text, or (3) removed. See steps below.

Rules (horizontal lines)

Not included in the document


Not included in the document


Not included in the document

Text hyperlinks

Converted; for some outputs (e.g., Word), users can press CTRL key and click link to go to destination


Hotspot converted to text; destination converted to inline text

Topic popups

Converted to text with link removed

How to Specify the Way Online Features are Converted in Print-Based Output

Some online features in your project are automatically handled in one way or another when you produce printed output. However, there are some features (expanding text and popup effects) where you can specify how you'd like them to be treated in the printed output.

  1. Open the target that you plan to build for your printed output. The Target Editor opens.
  2. Click the Advanced tab.
  3. In the Expanding Text Effects and Text Popup Effects sections, select an option for each type of online feature:
    • Convert to footnote The body for the expanding text or popup effect is displayed as a footnote in the printed output.
    • Expand text inline The body for the expanding text or popup effect is displayed as a text (after the "hotspot" text) in the printed output.
    • Remove the "body" The body for the expanding text or popup effect is not included in the printed output.
  4. Click Save the active file. to save your work.

What’s Next?

After you perform this task and complete the other tasks in preparation for printed output, you are ready to build the print target. See Print-Based Output and Step 5: Building and Publishing Output.