Viewing Accessibility Suggestions

Viewing Accessibility Suggestions

Using the Accessibility Suggestions window pane, you can view places in your project where you can make accessibility improvements for web-based and PDF outputs in Flare. This includes the ability to identify tables that are missing certain elements and finding objects—such as images, equations, and QR codes—that are missing alternate text. You can use the Accessibility Suggestions Search Properties dialog to customize which types of issues to display in the window pane. See Customizing Accessibility Suggestions Shown.

How to View Accessibility Suggestions

  1. Make sure accessibility suggestions are enabled:
    1. Select File > Options.
    2. Select the Project Analysis tab.
    3. Ensure that Collect Accessibility Prospects is enabled.
  2. Do one of the following, depending on the part of the user interface you are using:

    • Ribbon Select Analysis > Suggestions > Accessibility Suggestions.
    • Summary Window Pane If you have the Summary window pane in view, double-click the row that mentions accessibility suggestions.

    The Accessibility Suggestions window pane opens.

  3. To see more of the information in the window pane, drag the divider bar to make the pane wider.

    • Tag Displays the tag where the issue occurs (e.g., img, table, qrCode, equation).
    • Issue Displays the issue with the tag (e.g., needs alternate text, caption, summary, header elements).
    • Context Displays the context of the issue in question. For example, if the issue is that a tag is missing alternate text, this shows the name and path of the image.
    • File Displays the name of the file.
    • Title Displays the properties title of the file (if any).
    • Folder Displays the folder where the file is found.
  4. If a certain number of items have been found, page navigation buttons in the local toolbar may be enabled. You can use these buttons to go to additional pages to display more items. You can also click View All in the local toolbar to see all results on a single page. Keep in mind that the more items you have in the project, the longer it will take to load this view.

Note You can also include this information in reports that you create. See Reports.

What’s Next?

When you see issues listed in the Accessibility Suggestions window pane, you can use the Apply Accessibility Suggestions Wizard to take action on issues that have to do with missing alternate text. See Resolving Accessibility Issues.