Merging Mapped Files

If you attempt to synchronize files and Flare detects a conflict (i.e., a mapped file has been modified both locally and in its mapped location), a dialog opens so that you can take the appropriate action.

In the Synchronize Files dialog, you can tell if a conflict exists because a warning icon will display next to the files in question.

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How to Merge Mapped Files

  1. Go through the process of synchronizing external or SharePoint files. See Synchronizing External Resource Files Synchronizing SharePoint Files. After you click the Synchronize button, the Resolve Conflicts dialog opens if a conflict exists.
  2. Click Auto Merge All.

    If changes in the files do not conflict with each other (i.e., if the changes occur in different parts of the files so that they will not affect one another), this will merge all changes. A message lets you know that a backup of your local copy has been made. This lets you restore that file if you do not want to keep the merged version (see Backups). You do not need to complete the rest of the steps below.

    However, if your the changes in the files do conflict with each other (i.e., they occur in the same places in the files), a message displays to tell you. In this case, continue with the next step.

    Note This option is not available if you are synchronizing a file that is not native to Flare.

  3. Click OK on the conflict message.
  4. In the Resolve Conflicts dialog click Resolve. The Resolve Conflict dialog opens. From this dialog, you can choose from the following options:
    • Merge changes in merge tool Opens a merging interface, which lets you see exactly what changes were made and choose which to keep.

      Note This option is not available if you are synchronizing a file that is not native to Flare.

    • Undo my local changes Automatically removes changes in the local file in your project and keeps changes from the file in the mapped location.
    • Discard external changes Automatically removes changes from the file in the mapped location and keeps changes in the local file in your project.
  5. If you selected the first option, the Merge Changes dialog opens. Use this dialog to view and select changes. You can take actions in the following ways:
    • Right-click icon You can right-click on the icon next to a change on either the local or external side. This displays a context menu, which lets you either keep or ignore a particular change.
    • Left-click icon You can left-click on the icon next to a change on either the local or external side. When you do this, the change from one side is kept and the change from the other side is ignored. If you left-click the icon again, the results are toggled; the first change is ignored and the other is kept.
    • Type content If you want to use the local changes as well as those from the external file, and even tweak the paragraph a bit more, you can click in the area at the bottom of the dialog and simply type content.
    • Previous/next conflict When you are finished resolving the first conflict, you can use the "Previous Conflict" and "Next Conflict" buttons at the bottom of the dialog to work on other conflicts in the file.
  6. (Optional) If you want to change the colors associated with the changes, you can click Options.
  7. (Optional) By default the files are shown in a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) view. But you can click Merge as Text to work in the markup instead.
  8. After all conflicts have been resolved, a message lets you know that a backup of your local copy has been made. This lets you restore that file if you do not want to keep the merged version. Click OK. See Backups.

  9. Click OK in the other dialogs that open.

Icons for File Differences

Following are descriptions of the various basic icons you might see in the Merge Changes dialog when merging files.



Difference Content Changed icon

Changed Content This indicates that the content has changed but there is no conflict. Therefore, no action is needed.

Difference Tag Changed icon

Changed Tag This is the same as the "Changed Content" icon, except the content has not changed, just a tag, such as a style or span.

Difference New icon

New Content This indicates that there is new content, but there is no conflict with your changes. Therefore, no action is needed.

Difference Deleted icon

Deleted This indicates that content was deleted, but there is no conflict with your changes. Therefore, no action is needed.

Following are descriptions of conflict icons.



Difference Content Changed Conflict icon

Changed Content—Conflict This indicates that the content has changed and a conflict exists. Therefore, user action is required. This icon appears in both the left and right panes of the Merge Changes dialog at the spot of the conflict. You must click on one of the icons to "Accept" that particular change.

Difference Content Changed Keep icon

Conflict Change—Accepted This indicates that a change with a conflict has been accepted after clicking on Difference Content Changed Conflict icon. The bottom pane of the Merge Changes dialog updates to show the accepted content.

Difference Content Changed Denied icon

Conflict Change—Not Accepted This indicates that a change with a conflict will not be accepted. When you accept a conflict change and that side of the Merge Changes dialog displays Difference Content Changed Keep icon, the opposite pane where the conflict exists will display Difference Content Changed Denied icon.

Difference Tag Changed Conflict icon

Changed Tag—Conflict This indicates that the tag has changed and a conflict exists. Therefore, user action is required. This icon appears in both the left and right panes of the Merge Changes dialog at the spot of the conflict. You must click on one of the icons to "Accept" that particular change.

Difference Tag Changed Conflict Keep icon

Conflict Tag—Accepted This indicates that a change with a conflict in a tag has been accepted after clicking on Difference Tag Changed Conflict icon. The bottom pane of the Merge Changes dialog updates to show the accepted content.

Difference Tag Changed Conflict Ignore icon

Conflict Tag—Not Accepted This indicates that a change with a conflict in a tag will not be accepted. When you accept a conflict change and that side of the Merge Changes dialog displays Difference Tag Changed Conflict Keep icon, the opposite pane where the conflict exists will display Difference Tag Changed Conflict Ignore icon.