Pushing in a Dual-Bound Model

If you are working in a dual-bound model (see Dual-Bound Projects), you will author your content in Flare and then use your third-party source control provider to synchronize your files with those from other writers. After this, you can use Flare to push those changes to Central.

Note It is possible for multiple people working on a dual-bound project to push files to Central. However, if you are using a source control provider other than Git for the first binding, the most recently pushed files are the ones that are used in Central. In other words, the last person to push "wins." To avoid issues, be sure that you have the most recent version of file changes from all other writers in your local project before you push. You may even want to limit users' permissions (see the Central online Help) so only one or two people are allowed to push files to Central.

Permission Required?

For this activity, you must have the following permission setting in Central:

For more information about permissions, see the Central online Help.

How to Push Files in a Dual-Bound Project

  1. Open the project in MadCap Flare.
  2. Get the latest version of the files from your third-party source control provider. See Updating or Getting the Latest Version of Source Control Files.
  3. Select View > MadCap Central. The MadCap Central window pane opens.
  4. Be sure to log in if you aren't already.
  5. In the local toolbar of the MadCap Central window pane, click .

  6. In the dialog to select the remote repository, make sure MadCapCentral is selected. If it is not, click the drop-down and choose it. Then click OK.

    A progress dialog shows you the status of the push. If the changes are pushed successfully, a confirmation will appear.

Note When you are dual-bound using Git-Central (see Dual-Bound Projects), you can push to both Central and Git. It is possible that the files in the main Git repository and the files in Central will become out-of-sync if changes are made in one repository (i.e., Git or Central) and not made in the other. If this happens, you will see the Flare Conflict Resolution dialog. You can use this dialog to accept or reject other users' changes. For more information about conflict resolution, see Merging Source Control Files.