Closing Central Review Files

After all reviewers submit a file in Central, the author can close out the review process for that file in Flare’s File Reviews window pane.

How to Close the Review Process for Files

  1. Select Review > File Reviews. The File Reviews window pane opens.

    Note If you are using Git branching, make sure the appropriate branch is active. When closing the review process for files, dealing with tracked changes, and accepting the file back into the project, you want to be working in the correct branch so that the file changes are not applied in the incorrect branch. See Branch Activities for Git and Switching Branches.

    In the File Reviews window pane, you can see which branch a file originates from.

  2. From the drop-down at the top of the window pane, select Inbox. The files that need to be closed have a status of Submitted. The Inbox shows files that have not been accepted.

    Note Technically, you can select Sent Files in the drop-down and close files from there. However, these are files that reviewers have not yet finished in Central. So if you close the review process for these files, they can no longer be edited on Central. You might close the review process for a file from Sent Files, for example, if a particular reviewer leaves the company and is unable to finish editing the file on Central.

  3. (Optional) By default, the Central Field field in the local toolbar is set to My, which means you see only files that you have initiated the review process. You can change the setting to All if you need to see files initiated by other authors in the Flare project. This option is useful if the original author is unavailable to close out the review process.

  4. Do one of the following:

    To Close Review Process for a Single File

    1. Do one of the following:

      • Double-click a submitted file. A dialog displays asking if you want to move the files to a closed state. Select Yes.

      • Select the file in the grid and click in the local toolbar. In the dialog that displays, click OK.

    To Close Review Process for a Multiple Files

    1. In the grid, select the files. You can hold the SHIFT key to select a range, or you can hold the CTRL key to select individual items.

    2. In the local toolbar, click .

    3. In the dialog that displays, click OK.

    After this, the status for the file is changed to Closed in the File Reviews window pane.

What’s Next?

After you close out the review process for a file, you need to open the file so you can accept or reject any changes. You can also review, then delete, any annotations that have been inserted. See Accepting or Rejecting Tracked Changes (Central Reviews) and Deleting Annotations.