Selecting a Style Class for a Browse Sequence Entry

For certain elements of the online output window (e.g., menu, search, navigation pane, TOC or browse sequence entries, index keywords) you can determine skin style settings. The styles available depend on the type of skin. If you are generating one of the WebHelp output types, you can use the Toc Entry style in the Styles tab of the Skin Editor to change the look of individual entries in your browse sequence. You can also select the Toc Entry style in the Skin Editor and use the Add Class button in its local toolbar to create classes of that style. If you do that, you can select a particular class for a browse sequence entry so that you can give it the look you want.

How to Select a Style for a Browse Sequence Entry

  1. Open the browse sequence.
  2. Select a browse sequence entry.
  3. In the local toolbar, click Display properties for the selected item.. The Properties dialog opens.
  4. Select the General tab.
  5. In the Style Class field, select a style class if you have created one under "Toc Entry" in the Skin Editor. If you want to use the parent Toc Entry style, leave the field set to (default).
  6. In the Properties dialog, click OK.
  7. Click Save the active file. to save your work.