Enabling Browse Sequences in Skins

After you create a browse sequence, you need to enable it in the skin that you intend to use for your target.

How to Enable a Browse Sequence in a Skin

  1. Open a Standard or HTML5 Tripane skin.
  2. On the General tab, click the Browse Sequences check box so that it contains a check mark.
  3. Click Save the active file. to save your work.

Note In most cases, browse sequences are generated via a skin. This method is supported in HTML5 Tripane output, but not in HTML5 Side Navigation, Top Navigation, or skinless output. However, another way to use a browse sequence is by associating it with a menu proxy (see Creating a Topic Menu). With this method, browse sequences are supported in all HTML5 output formats.

What’s Next?

After you have finished enabling browse sequences in a skin, you need to make sure the skin is associated with a target and the browse sequence is associated with a target. See Associating Skins With Targets and Associating a Browse Sequence With a Target.