CSH Calls for HTML Help
Information for Developers
Use the following information to connect Microsoft HTML Help to an application.
Use the following syntax to call a topic using a map number:
CopyHWND HtmlHelp(Window(), "c:\path\MyHelp.chm", HH_HELP_CONTEXT, Number);
Use the following syntax to call a topic using a file name:
CopyHWND HtmlHelp (Window(), "c:\path\MyHelp.chm", HH_DISPLAY_TOPIC, "welcome.htm");
To hook context-sensitive Help (CSH) to an application, the code looks something like this:
HtmlHelp(hWnd, /*Window handle of program or dialog*/
"CSHHelp.chm", /*Name of the CHM file*/
dwMapNumber); /*Number from header file*/
Element |
Description |
HtmlHelp(hWnd |
This is the window handle of a program or dialog. A window handle helps identify a window so the HTML Help engine knows which application is performing the specific action. |
MyHelp.chm |
This is the name of a compiled HTML Help file (CHM) that includes the CSH. The actual name of the CHM file is determined by the Help author. |
This is the command sent to the HTML Help engine for window-level Help. |
dwMapNumber) |
A map number from the header file. |