Testing Context-Sensitive Help

After you create context-sensitive Help (CSH), you should test it to verify that it works. You can do this a couple of different ways, and it is not a bad idea to do both.

First, you can test your CSH identifiers from inside your project. If you are testing Microsoft HTML Help, WebHelp, or WebHelp Plus, you can use the Context-sensitive Help API Tester dialog. If you are testing HTML5 output, you can use the CSH Test page.

Second, you can test the CSH using a new build of the software application.

How to Test Context-Sensitive Help From Inside a Project

There are different ways to test CSH calls from inside a project. The method you use depends on the output type.

To Use the CSH Test Page—HTML5

  1. Do one of the following, depending on the part of the user interface you are using:
    • Ribbon If you want to test the CSH for the primary target, select the Tools ribbon. In the Context Sensitive Help section, select Test CSH API Calls.
    • Right-Click In the Project Organizer, right-click a target under the Targets folder, and select Test CSH API Calls.

    Note If the target's output is not up-to-date, click Yes when prompted to regenerate it.

    The CSH Test page opens in a web browser. For Chrome and Firefox users, the page opens in a new tab. For Safari users, the page opens in a new window.

  2. Test the desired topic(s) using one of these options:

    • ID Name or Number In the Topic ID box, enter a an ID name or number (on the left side) or select it from the drop-down. You can find this information in the Identifier and Value columns of your alias file.


    • Search for a Topic Type a keyword in the Search box. Then under the First Pick label select None, True, or False.
  3. (Optional) In the Skin drop-down list, select the desired skin for viewing the topic. See Skins.
  4. If you published your output to a web server and want to test a CSH call, type the web site path in the Path to Help System box. If you leave this box blank, Flare will test the CSH call to the Output folder.

    Example If you published your help system to the root directory on a web server, you might type:




    If you are publishing multiple outputs on the same web server, you might type one of the following (where [Flare Target Name] = the publishing destination folder of the target):

    http://help.example.com/[Flare Target Name]


    https://help.example.com/[Flare Target Name]
  5. Click Show Help (Javascript). If the correct topic opens, the CSH link works.
  6. When you have finished testing your topics, close your web browser.

To Use the Test CSH API Call Dialog—HTML Help, WebHelp, WebHelp Plus

  1. Do one of the following, depending on the part of the user interface you are using:
    • Ribbon If you want to test the CSH for the primary target, select the Tools ribbon. In the Context Sensitive Help section, select Test CSH API Calls.

    • Right-Click In the Project Organizer, right-click a target under the Targets folder, and select Test CSH API Calls.

    Note If the target's output is not up-to-date, click Yes when prompted to regenerate it.

    The Context-sensitive Help API Tester dialog opens.

  2. (Optional) In the Skin drop-down list, select the desired skin for viewing the topic. See Skins.

  3. Next to each identifier, click . If the correct Help topic opens, the CSH link works.

  4. When you have finished testing your topics, click Close.

How to Test Context-Sensitive Help Using a Build From the Application

  1. After the developer finishes "hooking" the identifiers in the application, obtain a new build from the developer.
  2. Launch the application build that you obtained from the developer.
  3. Open a dialog or window that should be tied to a CSH topic.
  4. Click the Help button in the dialog or window, or press F1 on your keyboard. The topic associated with the dialog or window should open accordingly.
  5. Test all of the CSH-related dialogs or windows in this same way.