Regular Expressions

Regular expressions (also referred to as regex or regexp) are similar to wildcards in that they let you find matching strings of text. However, they are more powerful than wildcards.

To use regular expressions in the Find and Replace in Files window pane, enter the expression in the Find field, and from the Search type section choose Regular Expressions.

When using regular expressions, backreferences are supported. For more information about backreferences, see




Matches any lowercase letter


Matches any uppercase letter


Matches any decimal digit


Matches any non-digit


Matches any white-space character


Explicit quantifier

For example, a{3} finds "aaa"



For example, gray|grey finds "gray" or "grey"


Logical grouping


0 or 1 of previous expression; forces minimal matching when expression might match several strings within a search string

For example, reg(ular expressions?|ex(p|es?) finds "regular expression," "regular expressions," regex, regexp, or "regexes"

For more examples and information about regular expressions, see the following:

Note Flare supports only .NET Framework regular expressions. For more information, see:
