Showing Images as Thumbnails While Editing

You can specify that thumbnail images should be shown while you are editing the content. This is simply a feature for you as the author, allowing you to scale all images down to 48 pixels high (if the original size is larger than that). This lets you see more content and less of your images as you edit topics. The images are only scaled for your editing purposes; they are not necessarily shown as thumbnails in the output.

How to Show Images as Thumbnails While Editing

  1. Open the content file.
  2. In the local toolbar of the XML Editor, click the down arrow of the Show tags button Show Tags button. Then select Thumbnail Images to add the check mark next to it. (If you select this option and the check mark is removed, images are shown in their full size again.)

Example You are working on a topic that looks like this, with a large image in the middle of the content:

It's a bit difficult to see the text that follows the image. You might need to scroll down to see it all in the XML Editor.

However, another option is to click the down arrow next to the Show Tags button Show Tags button in the local toolbar. Then you can select the Thumbnail Images option.

After you select this option, the topic looks like this:

If you want to see the image at its full size once more, simply select that option again from the drop-down list.

Note You can also preview thumbnails (see Previewing Thumbnail Images) and show images as thumbnails in output (see Showing Images as Thumbnails in Output).