Editing Keyword Links

You can edit a keyword link that you have inserted into a topic.

The first way to edit a keyword link is to change the keyword(s) associated with the link, as well as specify various other optional settings.

Example You have a keyword link that has two keywords ("Projects" and "Systems") associated with it. You might want to remove the "Projects" keyword from the link so that it only contains the "Systems" keyword. The steps below show you how to do this.

  1. Open the content file.
  2. In the XML Editor, right-click the keyword link.
  3. In the context menu, select Edit Keyword Link. The Insert Keyword Link Control dialog opens. The keywords currently associated with the link are listed on the right side of the dialog. The keywords that you have inserted into all other topics are listed on the left side of the dialog.
  4. If you want to add a keyword to the link, click on that keyword on the left (All Keywords) side of the dialog. Then click . If you want to remove a keyword from the link, click on that keyword on the right (Selected Keywords) side of the dialog. Then click .

    Repeat this for each keyword that you want to add to or remove from the link. When you are finished, the keywords associated with the link should be in the Selected Keywords section, and the keywords not associated with the link should be in the All Keywords section.

  5. (Optional) If you want to specify other options for the control, click and in the dialog select any of the following. Click OK to close the dialog when you are finished:

    • Style Class You can select the style class to be used for the control. See Styles and Stylesheets.
    • Label You can change the text shown on the control.
    • Display topics in You can specify that the links should be displayed in a popup menu (same as default) or as a simple list.

      Note For projects that are merged, the list option is supported for standard merging (e.g., linking to an FLPRJ file in the table of contents). However, it is not supported for automerging in WebHelp Plus output.

    • Target Frame You can choose the type of frame used when a link is clicked:
      • Page Default The destination file opens in the same window as the output window.
      • Parent Frame The destination file opens in the parent frame of the current topic while hiding that topic.
      • New Window The destination file opens in a new browser window.
      • Same Frame The destination file opens in the same window frame as the current topic.
      • Top Frame The destination file opens in the same output window, removing all other framesets. You might use this option, for example, if the destination topic has its own frameset.
      • Popup Window The destination file opens in a popup box on top of the current topic.
  6. Click OK. The Insert Keyword Link Control dialog closes, and the link is now changed.
  7. Click Save the active file. to save your work.

You can edit the style of a keyword link. When you do this, the style changes for all keyword links in any topics in your project. Also, keep in mind the various rules that pertain to keyword links.

  1. From the Content Explorer, open the stylesheet that you want to modify.
  2. Complete one of the following sets of steps, depending on whether you want to use the Simplified view or Advanced view in the Stylesheet Editor.

    • Simplified The Simplified view displays styles in a grid view and is often best for brand new users.

      This view provides an easy way to apply properties to styles, with format options available from a toolbar and dialogs (similar to the way one would use an interface such as Microsoft Word). In some cases, only the most common property options are available in the Simplified view (e.g., font, letter/word spacing, paragraph alignment/indentation, autonumbering format, borders, background). One advantage of the Simplified view is that you can apply a property to multiple styles at the same time. You can also click a check box to hide the properties in the editor, allowing you to see only the styles.

    • Advanced The Advanced view displays styles in a tree structure, and despite the name, is user friendly for authors of all levels.

      For the properties, you can toggle between a grouped display and an alphabetical display. The Advanced view of the Stylesheet Editor lets you edit more settings than are available in the Simplified view. In addition, the Advanced view lets you see and apply settings to multiple mediums and media queries at the same time.

  3. If Using Simplified View

    1. In the local toolbar, make sure the first button displays Simplified View button (which means that the Simplified view is currently shown in the editor). If the button displays Advanced View button instead, then click it.
    2. In the upper-left corner of the editor, click in the Show Styles field Use the drop-down filter for "all styles" to view in the stylesheet. and select Show Link Styles or Show Dynamic Effects Styles. Different styles are displayed with each filter.
    3. From the grid in the bottom portion of the editor, find and select one of the following styles, depending on what you want to accomplish. You can use a general style (which starts with "helpControl") if you want to modify all types of Help control links (concept, keyword, and related topic links). Alternatively, you can use a specific style (which starts with "keywordLink") if you want to modify only concept links in your project.
      • MadCap|helpControlList Edit this style to change the look of the entire list (<ul> element) when links are displayed in a list, rather than in a popup.
      • MadCap|helpControlListItem Edit this style to change the look of individual items in the list (<li> elements) when links are displayed in a list, rather than in a popup.
      • MadCap|helpControlListItemLink Edit this style to change the look of links in the list (<a> elements) when links are displayed in a list, rather than in a popup.
      • MadCap|helpControlMenu Edit this style to change the look of links (i.e., menu items) when links are displayed in a popup, rather than in a list. This particular style controls the entire list.
      • MadCap|helpControlMenuItem Edit this style to change the look of links (i.e., menu items) when links are displayed in a popup, rather than in a list. This particular style controls the individual list items.
      • MadCap|keywordLink Edit this style to change the look of the heading for keyword links. The following three keyword link styles inherit properties from this style.
      • MadCap|keywordLinkControlList Edit this style to change the look of the entire list (<ul> element) when keyword links are displayed in a list, rather than in a popup.
      • MadCap|keywordLinkControlListItem Edit this style to change the look of individual items in the list (<li> elements) when keyword links are displayed in a list, rather than in a popup.
      • MadCap|keywordLinkControlListItemLink Edit this style to change the look of links in the list (<a> elements) when keyword links are displayed in a list, rather than in a popup.

      Note You can also change a pseudo class of a link style (e.g., MadCap|keywordLink.focus or MadCap|keywordLink.hover) if you want to modify the look of the keyword link when it is in a certain state (e.g., when it has focus or when the cursor is hovering over it).

    4. In the local toolbar of the editor, click Display properties for the selected item.. The Properties dialog opens.

    5. Use the tabs and fields in the Properties dialog to change values for any of the style's properties.

      For more information see Styles and Stylesheets, as well as Editing Styles in a Regular Stylesheet.

    6. In the Properties dialog, click OK.

    If Using Advanced View

    1. In the local toolbar, make sure the first button displays Advanced View button. If the button displays Simplified View button instead, then click it.
    2. In the upper-left corner of the editor, click in the Show Styles field and select Show Link Styles or Show Dynamic Effects Styles. Different styles are displayed with each filter.
    3. On the left side of the editor, find and select one of the following styles, depending on what you want to accomplish. You can use a general style (which starts with "helpControl") if you want to modify all types of Help control links (concept, keyword, and related topic links). Alternatively, you can use a specific style (which starts with "keywordLink") if you want to modify only concept links in your project.
      • MadCap|helpControlList Edit this style to change the look of the entire list (<ul> element) when links are displayed in a list, rather than in a popup.
      • MadCap|helpControlListItem Edit this style to change the look of individual items in the list (<li> elements) when links are displayed in a list, rather than in a popup.
      • MadCap|helpControlListItemLink Edit this style to change the look of links in the list (<a> elements) when links are displayed in a list, rather than in a popup.
      • MadCap|helpControlMenu Edit this style to change the look of links (i.e., menu items) when links are displayed in a popup, rather than in a list. This particular style controls the entire list.
      • MadCap|helpControlMenuItem Edit this style to change the look of links (i.e., menu items) when links are displayed in a popup, rather than in a list. This particular style controls the individual list items.
      • MadCap|keywordLink Edit this style to change the look of the heading for keyword links. The following three keyword link styles inherit properties from this style.
      • MadCap|keywordLinkControlList Edit this style to change the look of the entire list (<ul> element) when keyword links are displayed in a list, rather than in a popup.
      • MadCap|keywordLinkControlListItem Edit this style to change the look of individual items in the list (<li> elements) when keyword links are displayed in a list, rather than in a popup.
      • MadCap|keywordLinkControlListItemLink Edit this style to change the look of links in the list (<a> elements) when keyword links are displayed in a list, rather than in a popup.

      Note You can also change a pseudo class of a link style (e.g., MadCap|keywordLink.focus or MadCap|keywordLink.hover) if you want to modify the look of the keyword link when it is in a certain state (e.g., when it has focus or when the cursor is hovering over it).

    4. From the Show drop-down list on the upper-right side of the editor, select Filter using the drop-down to show assorted relevant properties in the stylesheet.. The most relevant properties for that style are shown on the right side of the editor.
    5. (Optional) You can use the toggle button in the local toolbar to show properties below in a group view Stylesheet local toolbar button to show properties in a group view. or an alphabetical view Stylesheet local toolbar button to show properties in an alphabetical view..
    6. Locate the property you want to change.

    7. The area to the right of the property is used for selecting and entering values. If you know how to enter the information correctly, you can click in the value field and type it directly. Otherwise, click the ellipsis button Display more options. to the right of the property. Depending on the type of property, the appropriate controls and options display, allowing you to choose or enter values (e.g., select from a drop-down list, click a button, complete fields in a dialog or popup). If you completed values in a popup, click OK at the bottom of the box.

      For example, to change the link label, you would edit the mc-label property.

      For more information see Styles and Stylesheets, as well as Editing Styles in a Regular Stylesheet.

  4. Click Save the active file. to save your work.


Keep in mind the following rules when working with these types of styles.

Font Color on Link Styles Only

You can set many different properties on Help controls. However, font color can be set only on styles that deal specifically with links (e.g., a, helpControlListItemLink, keywordLinkControlListItemLink).

Example You want to use red on keyword links. You can set that color on MadCap|keywordLinkControlListItemLink, because it controls the links specifically. But if you set the color on MadCap|keywordLinkControlList or MadCap|keywordLinkControlListItem, the color setting will have no effect because those styles deal with lists and list items, not links.

Inheritance From Main List and Link Styles

Because these Help control styles are based on the main styles for unnumbered lists (ul), list items (li), and hyperlinks (a), they inherit properties from those standard styles.

Example You set a purple font on the "a" style. If you do not make any changes to your Help control styles, all of the links will use a purple font. But suppose you want keyword links to use a green font instead. In that case, you can set the MadCap|keywordLinkControlListItemLink style to green. If you do that, regular text hyperlinks, concept links, and related topic links will all display in purple, but keyword links will display in green.

Note If setting a property on the "a" style does not seem to have an effect on the Help control links, check the heading style. For example, if you set purple on the "a" style but MadCap|keywordLink has blue, then MadCap|keywordLinkControlListItemLink will use blue. That's because MadCap|keywordLink overrules "a."

Inheritance From General Help Control Styles

Because the general "helpControl" styles (helpControlList, helpControlListItem, helpControlListItemLink) are used to determine the look of all three types of Help control links, the more specific styles (e.g., conceptLinkControl, keywordlinkControl, relatedTopicsConrol) inherit properties from them.

Example You set a 12-pt font on the MadCap|helpControlListItem style. If you do not make changes to any of the more specific styles (MadCap|conceptLinkControlListItem, MadCap|keywordLinkControlListItem, MadCap|relatedTopicsControlListItem), all of them will use a 12-pt font. But suppose you want keyword links to use a 14-pt font instead. In that case, you can set the MadCap|keywordLinkControlListItem style to 14 pt. If you do that, concept links and related topic links will display in 12 pt, but keyword links will display in 14 pt.

No Inheritance Between Specific Styles

As shown, there is inheritance from main styles (e.g., a, li) and from the general "helpControl" styles. That's because the main styles are at a higher level than all of the Help control link styles, and the general "helpControl" styles are at a higher level than the more specific styles. But all of the specific Help control styles are at the same level; therefore, none of them inherit properties from any of the others.

Example You set a 10-pt font on the MadCap|keywordLinkControlList style (which controls entire lists for keyword links). Neither the MadCap|keywordLinkControlListItem style nor the MadCap|keywordLinkControlListItemLink style will inherit that font size. Instead, the MadCap|keywordLinkControlListItem style (which controls list items for keyword links) will either inherit from li or MadCap|helpControlListItem. And MadCap|keywordLinkControlListItemLink (which controls the actual links for keywords) will either inherit from "a" or MadCap|helpControlListItemLink. Or you can set different colors on those styles specifically.

What’s Noteworthy?

Note To edit alternate text for this feature in a specific language, you can modify the language skin. In the Language Skin Editor, select the desired language skin target, then adjust the values for the related AltText property. See Applying Alt Text.